Margaret E. Peters
Peer Reviewed Publications/ Working Papers
Book: Trading Barriers
Media/ Blogs/ Etc.
Boston Review:
Trade restrictions likely won't protect U.S. jobs
The New Republic:
None of their Business: How a powerful source of support for immigration lost its influence over the Republican Party.
The Panama Papers revealed lots of shady stuff. But some shell corporations aren’t so bad.
Economic Impact of Immigration by State
Opinio Juris: Migrants and Justice Remittances: How the movement of people across borders is enabling the spread of universal jurisdiction cases
Better Democracy Promotion through Immigration
Monkey Cage:
Germany convicted a Syrian man of war crimes in Syria. Can national courts prosecute injustices everywhere?
How resettling Afghan refugees might help Afghanistan's future
Biden just changed immigration policy. That doesn't mean that you should expect a new wave of immigration.
Trump wants to limit immigration to protect jobs. Will that work?
How do you create a better asylum policy? We asked the asylum seekers.
Why did Republicans become so opposed to immigration? Hint: It’s not because there’s more nativism.
Trump wants to restrict trade and immigration. Here's why he can't do both.
Duck of Minerva:
Want to Help the Refugees? Teach Migration as Part of IR
The Indicator from Planet Money
from Agence France-Presse.
Big Ideas
Rocking our Priors.
The RobCast
FT Alphachat on
Immigration: This time is (mostly) like the others.
Discussion of Hiroshi Motomura's "
The New Migration Law:
A Roadmap for an Uncertain Future.
Emerging Scholars Conference.
UCLA. February 2019.
The Scholars Circle
Book Reviews
Critical Dialogue: Trade Battles: Activism and the Politicization of International Trade Policy. By Tamara Kay and R. L. Evans. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.
Perspectives on Politics.
2019. 17(3).
Review of "Crossroads: Comparative Immigration Regimes in a World of Demographic Change."
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice
. 2019.
Can we replicate the European Post-War Transition? Review of "International Relations Theory and Regional Transformation."
International Studies Review.
Refugees and Asylum Seekers Can Help us Rebuild after COVID-19.
" 2020.
Immigration and Economic Recovery Symposium.
The Center for Growth and Opportunity at Utah State University
"Trump, Trade, and Immigration." 2020.
The Forum: A Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary Politics
APSA International History and Politics Section Newsletter 2017:
Back to the Future: The Muslim Ban and the Chinese Exclusion Act
APSA Political Economy Section Newsletter 2016:
Escape through Export: Can Access to Foreign Markets Help Women-Owned Enterprises?
APSA Migration and Citizenship Section Newsletter 2013:
The Challenges of Comparing Immigration Policies before and after World War II
Peer Reviewed Publications/ Working Papers
Book: Trading Barriers
Media/ Blogs/ Etc.