Immigration Opinion & Policy
- Trading Barriers: Immigration and the Remaking of Globalization. 2017. Princeton University Press
- “Left Out: How Ideology Affects Support for Displaced Migrants in Colombia” - with Alisha Holland & Yang-Yang Zhou Forthcoming. Journal of Politics. Ungated. Appendix.
- “Inequality and Immigration Policy”- with Adrian Shin, 2022. Studies in Comparative International Development. Gated. Ungated. Appendix. Replication Data and Code.
- "Informalization, obfuscation and bilateral labor agreements." - with Tijana Lujic, 2022. Theoretical Inquiries in Law. 23:2, 113-147. Gated.
- "Integration and Disintegration: Trade and Labor Market Integration.'' 2020 Journal of International Economic Law. 23(2): 391-412.
Gated. Ungated. Replication Code (runs off replications data from Trading Barriers). - "Immigration and International Law" - 2019 ISQ 63(2):281-295.
Gated. Ungated. Appendices. Replication Data and Code. - “Open Trade, Closed Borders: Immigration Policy in the Era of Globalization.” 2015 (January). World Politics 67(1).
Gated. Ungated. Appendix A: Robustness Checks. Appendix B: Codebook. Replication Data and Code (Hosted by ISPS).- Reprinted in Friden, Lake, and Broz "International Political Economy: Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth." 6th Edition.
- “Trade, Foreign Direct Investment and Immigration Policy Making in the US.” 2014. International Organization 68 (4).
Gated. Ungated. Appendix A. Appendix B. Replication Data and Code (Hosted on IO Website). - “Nativism or Economic Threat: Attitudes Toward Immigrants During the Great Recession”–with Judith Goldstein, 2014. International Interactions 40(3): 376-401.
Gated. Ungated. Appendix.
- "Immigration in Historical Political Economy." 2022. Oxford Handbook of Historical Political Economy. (Gated) (Ungated)
- “Immigration and International Political Economy.” 2017. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics (Gated)
- “Goods versus People: Immigration and Trade Policy in a Globalized World.” 2016. Handbook on Migration and Social Policy. Edward Elgar: 87-107.
- “Migration and Globalization.” 2015. Emerging Trends in the Behavioral and Social Sciences. (Gated)
- “Trade and Migration.” 2014, The Oxford Handbook of the Political Economy of International Trade. (Gated)
- “Are Policymakers Out of Step with their Constituency when it comes to Immigration?”-with Alexander Tahk (forever? working paper)
Book Chapters
- " How Authoritarian Governments Select who Emigrates: Evidence from East Germany."-with Julian Michel and Michael K. Miller, 2023, International Organization 77:3, 527-563.Open Access. Supplemental Information.
- “Government Finance and the Re-imposition of Serfdom after the Black Death.” 2022, European Review of Economic History (Gated) (Ungated)(Supplemental Information)(Serfdom Data)
- “Emigration and Political Contestation.” –with Michael K. Miller, 2022, ISQ 66:1. (Gated)
- “Restraining the Huddled Masses: Migration Policy and Autocratic Survival.” –with Michael K. Miller, 2020, BJPS 50:2, 403–33. (Gated) (Ungated)
Book Chapters
- "Migration and Development." 2021. Introduction to International Migration: Population Movements in the 21st Century. Routledge: 223-243.
- “Explaining Migration Timing: Political Information and Opportunities” - with Alisha Holland, 2020, International Organization. (Gated) (Ungated)
- "When Pandemic Threat does not Stoke Xenophobia" - with Yang-Yang Zhou and Daniel L. Rojas (working paper)
- “Migrants' Destination Choices” - with Thania Sanchez, & Yang-Yang Zhou (new draft in progress)
- “The Ethics of Migration” - with Thania Sanchez, Cybele Kappors, & Yang-Yang Zhou (new draft in progress)
Gender & IPE
- “Labor Markets and Cultural Values: Evidence from Japanese and American Views about Care-giving Immigrants” - with Frances Rosenbluth, Rieko Kage, & Seiki Tanaka, 2019, Economics & Politics, 31:3, 428-464.
Gated. Ungated. - “Escape through Exports? Women-Owned Enterprises, Discrimination, and Global Markets” –with Iain Osgood , 2017, QJPS 12(2): 143-183.
Gated. Ungated. Appendix.
Migrants as Transnational Actors
- "Migration and the Demand for Transnational Justice." -with Leslie Johns and Maximo Langer, 2022. American Political Science Review. 1-24. (Open Access)
- "Immigration and Globalization (and De-Globalization)." -with David Leblang, 2022. Annual Review of Political Science. 25:1, 377-399. (Open Access)